Sunday odds and ends....
Okay, it's late September and temperatures are still hovering near 100 degrees. I am finally worn down by the heat. I had been looking forward to September because the weather patterns here in South Texas begin to change then. Hmmm. It seems Mother Nature isn't following her handbook. Until she gets with the program, I guess I'll have to dream of cool nights and days in the 80s. That's practically sweater weather!
So I mowed the yard yesterday, and despite the heat I enjoyed it. I really like to mow the yard. It's both relaxing and enjoyable to me. I really hate to dust though, and rarely ever do it. I usually just bribe or threaten one of the boys to do it, but they won't be around forever so I need a contigency plan. I need to meet someone who likes to dust, but hates to mow the yard. Hmm, I wonder how I could advertise for that and get a taker!!!
Before I mow the yard, I need to scoop the dog poopsies that have accumulated. Theoretically this is a chore that either the boys or I keep up with daily!! NOT! With three dogs, you can imagine that the poopsies accumulate mighty fast. Luckily our backyard borders an easement for a seasonal creek which means no neighbors now or ever behind us, but lots of tall grass and trees. That makes disposing of poopsies and yard/garden clippings very convenient. If I'm keeping up with the poopsies on a daily basis, I'll walk around the yard with a shovel and scoop up some poop and walk up to the back fence and in a combination shot-put and side-arm catapult motion, I launch those poops far over the fence. I have really perfected my technique over the years and I can really fling those poops pretty far. I noticed my next door neighbors trying to emulate my over the fence technique. Hmmm yeah nice try, but I could outfling them any day! I guess if I were really neighborly I could have shown them my poop flinging technique, but I guess I'm feeling proprietary about my technique. Oh well. As you can see, this is a skill that I'm very proud of...and who knows how this skill may come in handy one day! So until the International Olympic Committee adds the Poop Put to the Olympic Games, I'll just have to be content with practicing in my backyard! Hey don't laugh either, if the Olympics can have an event where competitors twirl ribbons while doing quasi-gymnastic moves or an event that's basically shuffleboard on ice, then I think there's hope for the Poop Put! Until then, I'll keep practicing...
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