The not as planned Wednesday...
This morning was the morning to drive the parental units to the airport for their trip to Europe. I figured my mom was gonna be a bit nervous about her schedule so I headed out a few minutes early. Well that was the plan anyway! I started to back my car out of the garage and immediately felt that something wasn't right. I hopped out to take a look and yep...sure enough just as I feared...a flat tire. And I mean flat...flat as a pancake flat. So I called mom right away, told her about the flat, and told her to bring their car over to pick me up so that I could take them to the airport. I was afraid that this would have set mom's nerves on edge since it was an unscheduled change, and personal experience with General Mom indicates that unscheduled changes make her edgy to put it politely! What a pleasant surprise...they showed up a few minutes had me pop in the driver's seat and away we went! They were both cheerful and excited and they both took the little car snafu in stride. I didn't think it was a big deal from the get-go, but my past experience with the parental units has been if I don't think something is a big deal, they'll think it's the end of the world as we know it!
So we had a nice chat on the way to the airport, they both were so excited, and mom was uncharacteristically calm and unbossy. I hope that they enjoy their trip...and I think they will.
The flat tire threw off the rest of my day, but I figured what the hell. I hate getting a flat, but I would much rather have a flat in my own drive-way than on the side of the highway. So I filled the tire with air and let it sit in the garage for an hour or two to make sure that it would hold well enough to got to the tire place. Sure enough the air held...and off I went. I sat in the waiting area for about an hour...and voila tire charge...I got that tire insurance when I bought them.
I didn't get any of the report work done that I needed to today. But oh well that's life. I know that I'll still get it done by the deadline.
The two new file cabinets came today at 5:15p, so I spent the evening reorganizing and tidying the corporate office. So the corporate office is starting to look like a real corporate office...well except for the wine rack in one corner!
So the day didn't go as I planned whatsoever, but I took it in stride and wasn't upset in the least. I figure I needed a day's reprieve from report writing anyway. Plus tomorrow is a new day...
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