Adventures in babysitting....
Okay well no hike today. I am too tired to even think of going to the park! I'm sure the peanut gallery that already thinks I have inhuman amounts of energy is secretly and maybe not so secretly glad to hear that! What is it that has conquered my seemingly endless energy reserves? The heat I can handle. The exercise I can handle. I mean, hey, I can even fall down and tear up my knee and still keep going much to the chagrin of the peanut gallery! But what is it that has managed to finally knock me on my ass??!!
Well they have great power in inverse proportion to their size and have been known to make grown men cry...whoops I guess that last part is a bit much. Two magnificent creatures weighing no more than 18 pounds put together and who have only been on this earth for a little over a honorary nieces, Malone and Ripley, made me too tired for my hike and have me contemplating going to bed really early tonight!!
Today was the first day that I got to see them and I went over to Sarah's to babysit to give her and Chad the opportunity to get out of the house for awhile. The girls are beautiful and each weigh a little over 8 pounds. When I saw them, I couldn't believe that they ever even fit inside Sarah! It was amazing. Neither one was really fussy or anything like that. I guess I've just forgotten just how tiring it can be to take care of a baby. And in this case two of them! And let's not forget, big brother makes three.
On one hand it made me a smidge nostalgic for when my nearly grown sons were babies. But it really was only a smidge of nostalgia. I have lots of good memories and believe me that's enough for me! I've already fallen in love with my honorary nieces and love their big brother. I love Sarah too and I love being able to help her out. But I also really, really love the ability to give them back to their mama at the end of a long tiring day!!
So it'll be a nice relaxing evening for me. I just hope that I can build up some babysitting stamina for next time though. Even if they knock me on my ass each and every's worth it!
Ah - so cute at that age, with all those tiny little fingers and toes that don't seem quite real...
Ah, but once they begin to fuss and cry...they become very real!
I agree with you though. The girls had the longest and slimmest little fingers. Ahhh...they're just beautiful!
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