Friday, July 01, 2005

The Amazing Powers of Ice Cream!

I got such a tickle out of the comments to my ice cream quiz post! What is it about ice cream that instantly brings a smile to everyone's face? I took that silly quiz last night and it instantly put me in better spirits...I thought for sure I would be a chocolate ice cream, but I have no idea what the criteria for that is though. You probably have to be willing to try the horseflesh flavor! No thanks. So after taking the quiz, I had a bowl of chocolate ice cream and I was in a good mood for the rest of the night!

With a bazillion flavors available could there be anyone on the planet that doesn't like ice cream? Plus what other thing on earth is an almost guaranteed, sure-fire way to turn around a bad mood? You can start eating an ice cream cone in a bad mood, but I bet once you're chomping into the cone you're smiling and thinking the day isn't so bad afterall!

Ice cream is one of the greatest food inventions ever! It really is. For me it's right up there with bread, cheese, and chocolate. Add ice cream to the list, and it sounds like a perfect diet if you add some fruits and veggies in the mix too, of course.

I left this comment on E's blog, but I'm gonna say it again here. Maybe world leaders and negotiators should be required to have an ice cream cone together before sitting down at the negotiating table. Hey the way things are in the Middle East, it couldn't hurt to make those folks have some ice cream before talking to each other.

Another hike in the 100 degree heat for me today. But I'm already looking forward to ice cream afterward. And the heat is just gonna make the ice cream all that much better!

So what's your favorite flavor?


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Tamara said...

I was strawberry and strawberry is my favorite.


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