Saturday, August 27, 2005

Is it August 31st yet?!

I don't usually wish time to move more quickly, but in this case with the report marathon I'm making an exception. Oy vey, I'm tired! I feel like the guy from the old Dunkin' Donuts commercials that appeared in each commercial in a zombie like state uttering his mantra....Time to make the donuts....time to make the donuts....time to make the....only for me it's...time to write the reports!

While in the middle of writing an environmental audit report today, I had a small wave of panic wash over me. As I was writing, I began to think that what I was writing was incorrect and it should actually be something else....and so as my mind raced thinking about this information I realized that I was actually thinking of the information for one of the other facilities. Doh! They're all running together into one big audit mess in my brain.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel though. I'll have three reports for Sarah to review tomorrow and hopefully she'll catch any instances of me mixing and/or crossing facility information.

My report writing reprieve will be shortlived though. Brad will be back with his field notes for a Site Assessment Report that I'll have to write for the client...and chop-chop. At least these types of reports are much more interesting to write. I actually have to think on this type of report and make conclusions based on data and such.

I baked some blueberry muffins for Sarah and me for tommorrow morning. I figure the sugar boost will help me at least get through yet another day of the report grind.

Time now for relaxing only...and hoping for pleasant dreams later...and hopefully none of those dreams will be invaded by my version of the donut guy!


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