Monday, December 26, 2005

The Home Stretch...

As nice as Christmas was, I'm just as glad it's over for another year. I'm drowning in Christmas clutter. Clutter really drives me bananas and too much clutter adversely affects my mood. So I'm feeling pretty grouchy this week!

All the kitchen counters are overflowing with what seems to be a neverending supply of Christmas treats. To be sure, I have a gigantic sweet tooth but I think I hit my limit this year. I can't believe I'm actually gonna say this, but if I see another piece of fudge or another Christmas cookie, I think I'm gonna puke!

Thank goodness we're in the homestretch. I'm so ready to pack away this holiday and get on with the new year. All the holiday clutter around my house is really kicking my urge to purge into overdrive. I've already started walking around the house asking myself why we have so much stuff. This is the time of year when the stores put all those storage bins on sale because people need places to store all their brand new crap. No storage bins for me. I'm already planning for the next big donation drive in the neighborhood and this year I think I'm gonna have an extra big donation.

Ah yes. Christmas is over and now it's time for my annual purge and donate drive. It's gonna be the biggest one yet! Minimalism is looking better and better to me with each passing year.


At 8:46 AM, Blogger E said...

I totally agree about the home stretch thing. If it were not for a 5 year old who's only Christmas tree is at my house I would have thrown the damn thing out the door Christmas night.

My new house and storage area however is a sign that purging is not my specialty. So good luck on your goal.


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