Sunday, August 07, 2005

I fell in love today...or maybe it's lust!

I don't believe in love at first sight at all. Now lust at first sight, well that's another story! Anyway against my better judgement today, I went and fell in love. Yep, that's right you read that correctly! But it's not exactly what you're thinking.

I still don't believe that two people can fall in love at first sight. So what's up?! I fell in love with a house today... and it was all unintended and by accident. My sister told me the other day that she's sick of living in Victoria and she's ready to put her house up for sale and move to San Antonio. I think that's a fine idea. It'd be nice to have her here to help run interference with my mom! So yesterday I thought that I'd start doing a little house research and I stumbled across a house being built not far from Friedrich Park on Cap Mountain Drive. Wowee zowee!! They call the house a modern Victorian. The first floor outside has limestone facing and the color of the siding on the rest of the house is a deep mustardy color. It's got a huge old fashioned-type front porch with an awesome view looking down the mountain/hill. It has a half-acre lot with a few live oaks.

So this afternoon after finishing up with work on a report, I decided to drive out to the house. Just for research, you know. Erik decided to go along with me as long as I stopped at Half-Priced Books on the way so that he could get a book.

The road leading into the subdivision was very windy and hilly. All the lots are at least a half-acre and most of the houses you can't even see from the road because of how far back they're set and how wooded the area is. There are no street lights and it's far enough away from the city that you can see the stars at night from the front porch. Anyway as soon as I pulled up to the house and we got out Erik, the 18 year old, was exclaiming what an awesome house it is! Hmmm, I thought... so it isn't just me. Plus if an 18 year old young man who normally couldn't care less about houses is exclaiming how cool it is then well....that's got to mean something!!

We couldn't go inside since all the doors and windows were locked. And yes I would have climbed in a window if I found one unlocked. Erik would have been mortified, but I certainly would have and have done it in the past! From what I could see of the downstairs, it looks very nice inside too. It also looks like there's a loft/library at the top of the stairs with nearly floor to ceiling windows with a mountain view. The neighbors next door have a horse and her pen area is located 20 feet from the house's dining room. I thought that was cool to have a horse right next door. It was just so quiet and peaceful out there. And a half-acre lot...that's huge or at least it's huge to me!

Somewhere along the line I decided that I was looking for me and not my sister. I haven't been this excited about something in a long time! And I probably can't afford it right now, but I went ahead and made an appointment to take a look at the inside with the realtor. Nothing will probably come of it...but I just feel compelled to look at it anyway. So maybe after looking at it and having a cool down period, I'll be able to get it out of my system. But I have to say, that this is the first time that I've fallen so instantaneously for a house and one in my price range. Sure I've loved plenty of way too expensive houses at first glance, but this is the first potentially obtainable one that I've gone gah-gah for! Okay, so I think I'm a bit too attached already. I just hope that cooler heads prevail tomorrow!

Yikes, this lust at first sight stuff is hard on the psyche not to mention the body!


At 1:21 AM, Blogger E said...

Screw cooler life take the chances that appear...go with it! Hell here that house would be so far out of my range it be sad. If you could possibly swing I say go with it.


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