Dang, no Geena tonight...
Dang, I didn't get my dose of Geena lust...er I mean admiration tonight. Commander in Chief wasn't on tonight. I guess I shoulda known what with it being a holiday week and all, but I only have two must see tv shows a week and neither is on this week. Since I didn't get my dose of Geena, I guess I'll just have to find something else to lust after....I mean admire.
Ha, and there's some silliness brewing around my President Geena. Some folks actually think the show is some kind of set-up or advertisement for Hillary! Ha, there are absolutely no similarities between Senator Hillary and President Geena. For one thing, hello, it's a tv show. Second, there is no way that Hillary is as smart or even has the same views as my President. And come on folks even if it were an ad for Hillary, she's gonna need a lot more than a tv show to be elected. You can call me crazy, but I don't think Hillary is President material, and I don't think she's gonna be our first woman president.
I'm going to make my own little prediction here. The first woman president is not going to be a Democrat. In order to cross party lines and win an election, I think that our first woman president is gonna have to be either a moderate Republican or an Independent. And I don't mean any yucky Republican candidates like Elizabeth Dole, she's gonna have to be a 45 to 55-ish up and coming star in the moderate Republican ranks. Emphasis on Moderate! Just think about it. Democrats are more likely to cross party lines in voting than Republicans. And I'll make the same prediction about the first black president too. He/She is gonna have to be a moderate Republican like a Colin Powell type. And hell no, I don't mean Condi either! She's too closely associated with Dubya.
By the way, I'm an Independent and I've voted for what I've believed was the best candidate in each election whether they were a Democrat, Republican. Libertarian, or Independent. Oh yeah I forgot the Green Party. Yep that's what I did!! No Green Party for me.
Okay I'm off to find a Geena substitute. As if?! In the meantime, I open the floor to debate.